Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! Even voorstellen Deel 5

Even Voorstellen 5 - De enige echte Fransman in de groep!


Romain Bly - Trompettist / Hoornist

What I love about France is that I was born on it. If France
didn’t exist I would have been delivered in the sea, and I
don’t know how to swim.

Romain is a trumpet and french horn player, but also the
french connection of K.O.Brass:)
He studied classical and early music in Paris before his
bachelor in Codarts, Rotterdam.
For him, one of the most exciting aspects of being a
musician is the necessity to adapt to any situation, any
genre, any language.
Over the last couple of years, he had the chance to perform
with Rotterdam Philharmonic, Typhoon, Chef’special,
Gabriel Rios, ALB, Blaudzun, the Kyteman Orchestra…
He also cofounded several projects such as LGDLC(fusion
festive), VDRSH (New Jazz Con-fusion), Quintet Airlines
(WoodWind Chamber Music)